Dear Friends of Mission Nation Publishing,
I and the board of Mission Nation Publishing thank Prof. Will Schumacher for shepherding our ministry this past year. Will has other opportunities to invest his very capable talents in and we wish Will God's blessings.
Chairman of the Board Terry Chan has appointed former District President Keith Kholmeier to head up a team to begin the search. I have been asked to serve as Interim president until a new president can be found. After finishing a year-long interim as pastor of Peace Lutheran Church in Naples, Florida I am eager to see what our Lord has in store for Mission Nation.
I am thankful for the opportunity to lead Peace Church. It was a privilege this last year to share Jesus with an ethnically diverse congregation - Spanish and Haitian immigrants and Anglos, all in one Lutheran church. When we worshipped together on Easter the congregation looked like heaven (Revelations 7:9). How did that happen?
Peace Lutheran began its journey to diversity by reading Mission Nation biographies of new missionaries to America. What a surprise to see missionaries coming to America, from Africa, the Middle East, South America and Asia. What a joy to realize God was sending missionaries refined by fire, courageous, faith filled, sacrificial, spirit led women and men sent by God to an American church that has been in decline. They are gifts from God.
It's a new day for churches. It has been some time. That is why I want to let you know about resources that inspire and equip churches to meet the challenges of 21st century mission. Today we must be prepared to share Christ with people who are different from us.
It's no secret. Only 49% of the US population is white English speaking. While 90% of Lutherans fit that demographic. Does this mean Lutheran churches are half empty or half full? With a generous grant from the National LWML Mission Nation Publishing has gone to the next level of sensitizing and resourcing Lutherans to reach a more diverse demographic. The grant from the LWML has allowed us to help 22 congregations in the Florida Georgia District discover new resources to reach an ethnic group different from their own. We want to share what we are learning with you.
To reintroduce your congregation to Mission Nation Publishing we want to offer you a special rate on the seven missionary biographies. On our website (www. mission nation you have an opportunity to order a set of our missionary biographies at a special price - the same books read by the members of Peace Lutheran Naples. These would make a wonderful gift to a church library, or a friend or grandchild, or....
Order the set of biographies for a discounted price. Then check out our interviews with missionaries from around the world whom God has sent to us - and a long list of resources to help your church look more like heaven.
In Jesus by grace,
Bob Scudieri